It’s a Love/Hate Thing

Do you ever have moments when you can’t make up your mind?

When you both love and hate something simultaneously?

don't I look like I'm loving it?

I mean there are things that I downright love without question. Like watching the sunset, a good glass of Pinot Noir, outdoor music festivals, vacations, shopping sprees, and of course a drama-filled episode of Real Housewives.

And there are things I consistently hate. Including people who butt in line, doing laundry (see example here), coconut, allergies (see here and here), traffic jams, and condescending people.

Lately however I’ve been in the flip-flopping mood. For example:

I love being back in Santa Barbara where “winter” means it’s 70 degrees. But I hate that I am 3,000 miles away from family and friends.

I love how beautiful snow makes everything look. But I hate when it interferes with travel plans (like having to make a round trip from SB to the east coast for a half-day interview because snow canceled the original date).

I love eating chocolate chip cookies. But I hate that my over indulgence during the holidays makes my jeans a little snug.

I love getting to see all my grad school friends at school again. But I hate that my desk just reminds me how much work on my dissertation I have to do.

I love that soon Mike and I will be starting out a new chapter of our lives some place new for my internship. But I hate having absolutely no idea right now where I’ll end up.

I love reading about new recipes. But I hate not having enough time to cook a fabulous meal…or the desire to run to the grocery store right now.

I love that I am turning 28 next week because let’s be honest 27 is not a year a would relive. But I hate…well actually I don’t hate anything about getting a year older, perhaps a little wiser? Or maybe just a little more content with life’s bumps, turns, and unexpected moments of pure bliss. Here’s to hoping at least!

Anything you are loving/hating right now?

This entry was posted in I ♥ Grad School, Neurotic? Why yes I am, Santa Barbara. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to It’s a Love/Hate Thing

  1. Katie says:

    I am loving that cupcake photo and hating that it isn’t in my hand right now.

    ANd I am right there with you on the dissertation. here’s to the light at the end of the tunnel!

  2. Lindsay Ann says:

    I just checked out the Santa Barbara Wine Country Half and it’s all filled up! So sad….

  3. Monica says:

    I do love where my husband and I are at in life and I am proud of us for creating a life in a completely new territory, but I hate that we are so far away from those we love.

    It is hard to figure out which side of the cookie to focus on more. I guess somedays it is the good and somedays it is the not so good – can’t it ever just all be good? Here is to wishful thinking. 🙂

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